Welcome to my Life.

Welcome to my Life.

I am Charde Vera, believer in Jesus, wife, mother, Navy veteran, blogger, vlogger on YouTube and Author of the children’s book “She Is” and a guided Journal called “I Am”. I have spent years searching and experimenting with what I wanted to do and who I believed I should be in life.

My dream has always been to be a writer however I did not believe I could do it. I did not have the confidence. Therefore, I packed that idea away and started a journey that ultimately led me back to my passion. It was during the pandemic in 2020 that my life took a turn completely. I got married, finished school, and was forced to slow down and be home with my family full time, including homeschooling my daughter.

I began to spend a lot more time with God and building a relationship with Him that I did not have before. The dream that was put in my heart five years prior that I had set aside because I was not ready was brought out because now was the time.

This was the idea to write the book “She Is” a children’s book with affirmation poems and a guide to self-love, trust and belief. Coming into the realization that I need to pursue my purpose I have been intentional about helping other woman and girls do the same. Come along this journey with me as I share my life from self-conscious single military mother to a now married woman, author, mental health and self-love advocate and everything in between.

Whether you are looking for tips or stories and testimonies on motherhood, marriage, faith, journaling and more you have ventured to the right place. Thank you for reading and please subscribe much love to you all.

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